Your training plan:



Mastering your finances as an entrepreneur

Whether you are a start-up or an established company - the foundation of your success lies in effective cash flow management. Why? Because it is not profits alone, but the availability of cash that determines whether you are able to keep your business running.

Mit einem gut durchdachten Training plan for cash flow management kannst du finanzielle Engpässe vermeiden, strategisch planen und Investitionen gezielt steuern.

Don't worry, I realised early on that not everyone can juggle numbers. My aim is to spar with you and give you the knowledge you need to manage your own cash flow. I will provide you with a tool so that you can easily keep an eye on your business finances and cash flow forecast.

Understanding the basics of cash flow management

Fixed costs, variable costs and revenue - these are the three pillars on which your cash flow is based. Before we delve deeper, these terms are best explained using a practical example.

fixed costs

A retailer pays monthly rent for his shop. These costs remain the same regardless of whether he sells a lot or a little.

variable costs

The same shop buys its goods from a wholesaler. When turnover increases, material costs also rise - so these vary.


All income from sales forms the basis of your cash flow. The better your prices and your sales strategy, the greater your margin.

Additional tip for entrepreneurs

In order to identify hidden problems early on, you should not only list income and expenses, but also pay attention to sales tax. Some expenses do not include sales tax, which affects your liquidity planning. Inaccurate planning can become unpleasant later on in the tax return. My tool makes liquidity analysis easier for you, as it is already set up in such a way that it simulates 3-5 years.

Supporting resource: Cash flow business lexicon

Why is cash flow management so important?

A company can be profitable and still fail if it becomes insolvent. This shows how important liquidity is for your business.

The three core benefits of good cash flow management:

  1. Crisis security: Unexpected expenses, such as a broken machine or an additional payment for utilities, won't throw you off track - and they can come quicker than you'd like
  2. Predictability: You know when you can invest without taking ‘financial risks’ - well, it's just a snapshot, but you can now assess the risk and aren't poking around in the fog.
  3. Improved business image: Stable liquidity strengthens your confidence with customers and suppliers by enabling you to manage short-term liabilities.

Practical example: Imagine you are a tradesman and have large orders on the horizon. If you can take advantage of discounts on material invoices, you not only save money, but also give yourself financial leeway for larger projects.


Cash flow analysis: More clarity through figures


Die Grundlage eines jeden Finanzplans ist die Analyse your current cash flow. Hier hilft dir deine Business management analysis (BWA) – ein monatlicher Bericht, der dir Einnahmen und Ausgaben aufschlüsselt. Diesen bekommst du ja von deinem Steuerberater und kannst diese mit in deine Entscheidungen einbeziehen.

Important steps in the cash flow analysis:

  1. Record data: Sammle alle Einnahmen und Ausgaben. Ich empfehle, mache dies Wöchentlich, dann bekommst du Routine und groovest dich ein.
  2. Recognise patterns: Gibt es bestimmte Monate, in denen deine Einnahmen niedriger sind?
  3. to compensate for fluctuations: Identifiziere Zeiten mit hohem und niedrigem Cashflow und passe deine Strategie entsprechend an.

Most entrepreneurs underestimate how much seasonal fluctuations affect their liquidity. My tool analyses this data and helps you to create better forecasts. Of course, only if you already have this data, otherwise you have to build up your database first. This makes it all the more important to regularly maintain your data. This gives you a cash flow report without having to write a report.

Supporting resource: BWA simply explained

Liquidity planning: remain solvent at all times

Solid liquidity planning is the core of any successful cash flow management. The most important questions are: What income can you expect? What expenses are coming up? Are there any unexpected payments that could jeopardize your liquidity?

Example from practice: An online shop is planning a discount campaign to boost sales. At the same time, however, there is a large delivery of goods that needs to be paid for. Without well thought-out planning, cash flow could quickly slip into the red.

How to avoid liquidity bottlenecks

Negotiate payment terms

Talk to your suppliers about longer payment terms.

Anticipate bottlenecks

Use my tool and continuously enter your data to recognise liquidity gaps at an early stage.

Use cash discount

Consider where it makes sense to pay invoices more quickly in order to receive the discount.

Think of everything

A successful entrepreneur doesn't just think about the big expenses such as rent or salaries, but also about the little things that are often overlooked.

The 5 most important points of detailed planning:

  1. Special expenses: Plane Messen, Fortbildungen oder Teamevents rechtzeitig ein.
  2. Unforeseen costs: Stelle Rücklagen für Reparaturen oder Nebenkosten-Nachzahlungen bereit.
  3. Investments: Überlege, welche Anschaffungen langfristig Sinn ergeben.
  4. Variability: Sei flexibel – wenn eine unerwartete Chance auftaucht, solltest du vorbereitet sein.
  5. Control: Überprüfe deinen Plan regelmäßig und passe ihn an neue Gegebenheiten an.

Reduce ongoing costs and maximise potential

To strengthen your liquidity, it is essential to reduce unnecessary expenditure. Ask yourself:

  • Which subscriptions are necessary?
  • Can you get a discount with direct debit authorisations?
  • Are certain investments worthwhile?

Example: Digitalisation allows you to automate many processes and save not only time but also money. A good tool can show you where you can make savings without losing efficiency.

With my framework, you have a powerful tool at your fingertips that will help you to continuously improve your financial strategies and thus operate successfully on the market in the long term.

Supporting resource: Improve cash flow

Growth through good cash flow

Effective cash flow management not only ensures stability, but also creates room for growth. With the training plan, you will become fit and able:

  • Plan investments better: Ob neue Maschinen, Mitarbeiter oder Marketingkampagnen – du weißt immer, wann der richtige Zeitpunkt ist.
  • Convince customers: Ein stabiles Unternehmen strahlt Zuverlässigkeit aus.
  • Achieve financial goals: Ob Expansion oder mehr Gewinn – ein guter Cashflow ebnet dir den Weg.

Of course, there are hurdles that arise in practice. Since my tool is not theoretical but based on practice, I am aware that a lot of data can simply be missing. Therefore, just like with a training plan, you have to keep working until it runs smoothly. Here I will help you in sparring with my experience to make the unknown as "known" as possible. This way you can build up liquidity reserves in no time at all.


Conclusion: The path to a strong cash flow

A solid cash flow is more than just a number - it's the heart of your business. With this training plan, regular analyses and my practical tool, you'll be fit for the next rounds and even for solvency audits - should they enter the ring.

Start now and reap the benefits of a well-planned cash flow for your company!

The tool

No monthly subscription

The training plan will be presented to you, we will adapt it and I will help you to find your rhythm and provide support if necessary.

No theory

Developed to help quickly and effectively.

In use since 2023 and continuously maintained and expanded since then


demonstrable and verifiable and independent

Excel or what?

Yes, that's right. Even though many platforms demonize Excel, it offers many advantages - e.g. easy error detection in your planning

Your advantages:

  • Easily customisable to your needs
  • Can be used online and offline
  • Save versions to store SnapShots as documentation
  • Complete explanation and continuation by you => no dependency
  • Sparring support level based on your needs