some of my


Sampels of success
cash flow square

cash flow projection

for your future

Developed and tested over a year for the retail sector and therefore based on practical experience and not pure theory. Helps you to make business decisions and keep an eye on your income and expenditure. Customisable to your needs with the aim that you can run it independently.

market evaluation square

market evaluation

fast with clear feedback

Fast and professional market analysis. Whether for existing offers in new markets or new developments. From brand concept, website, ads and potential customer demos, with the aim of getting a feel for whether your concept will resonate with your user group.

marketing support square

marketing support

optimised use

You can do a lot, even better and with more budget. I help you to start and drive forward the topic of marketing with your resources. From online marketing to, for example, your Instagram account, Google Ads or a digital signage solution that does the job without burdening your cash flow. With practical tips & tricks and partners that are guaranteed to be worth the money.

boardcast square


workflows for every area

Video streaming has been a part of my life for three decades now.

The workflow is and remains the key element here, even if there are one or two technophiles out there. In the end, it has to work. From small to medium-sized green screen solutions, news and sports productions to pure cloud distribution solutions, I have already managed a lot during this time and still keep my network active to stay up to date.

CrescentVisio square

medicine & healthcare

not everything is always so clear

With a decade of experience in developing solutions for the medical and healthcare sector, I am familiar with the special features of this industry. The intended use and therefore the classification are extremely important.

extended reality square

extended reality

technology is not the challenge

The real challenge is the people and the change in working methods that comes with it. I have never heard so many ‘excuses’ as when introducing this technology into the workplace.

from small to large, I am familiar with most of the real and pretended hurdles and help to achieve ROI quickly.

sales and more

because you can't do without turnover

Why you need a CRM and which process steps you should think about. Which tools might offer you added value right from the start in order to build up your sales efficiently.

Where are your customers and what challenges do you have to consider, e.g. graphically and culturally?

What are you waiting for?