Your business sparring! You are not sure if I am right for you?

I will answer this question for you now

My friends will laugh at this point, because what I have always been bad at is explaining what exactly I do.

So why should I be able to do that now? Answer: I don't give up easily and I work on myself every day.


"You can't describe me, you have to experience me"

So why am I your perfect sparring partner?

I love problems and technology, especially in connection with the introduction of new work processes, because here people come first and that is important to me despite my love of technology. My entire working life I act as a translator between these two areas: people and technology.

What does the user actually want?

Was erleichtert ihm die Arbeit? 

Was ist die Anwendungsidee der Entwicklung? 

How do I explain what the benefit is and bring the new technology to market?


The core of all these questions is:

What is the problem?

Warum ist es ein Problem? 

My school days

Schon früh habe ich Mitschülern in der Schule in verständlicher Sprache Mathe, Chemie oder Physik erklärt, mit dem Ziel, dass diese das Thema verstehen und damit die Arbeiten bestehen können. Dabei ging es mir immer darum sie zum freihändigen Laufen zu bringen, damit sie in Zukunft eigenständig weiterführen können, was sie mit mir begonnen haben. 

I have continued this approach to this day. Quickly understand where the problem lies, adapt the language so that the topic is not a mystery to anyone, and help people to help themselves.


"You can't describe me, you have to experience me"

"the maniac from Germany"


The translator

This ability to quickly understand content, to respond to the person I am talking to and to translate the requirements for a third party, as well as the ability to quickly understand how new technology works and where its advantages and limitations lie, help to successfully translate user workflows into the appropriate functions and system configurations. This enables development to program exactly what the customer needs and enables sales to offer exactly what the customer needs.

As the discussion progresses, I analyze what my counterpart brings with him so that he can continue to implement new processes and applications independently. I look to see if there are any gaps that can be filled with understandable explanations so that everyone feels that they are being taken into account where they are.

sometimes not so easy

Yes, anyone who has experienced me knows that my head starts analyzing the topic, looking for possible solutions and identifying potential problems while we are still talking. Usually the first ideas pop into my head about what solutions from the past might be suitable and whether there can be a simple solution a la "copc&paste" or whether something more specific is needed.

I know I've lost one or two people at this point before, but I'm getting better at recognizing from your facial expressions whether you're still following me or whether I've lost you somewhere halfway along.

With this pace I have confused some people in the past, so much so that I was called “he is a maniac from Germany”.

Don't take it personally...please slow me down!

"the maniac from Germany"


"that's me - always authentic"

I am full of drive and passionate about good ideas and their implementation. I always take feedback into account and try to analyse what can be improved or how I can help better.

I support my feedback with experience, so that you can understand why I might sometimes say that it doesn't work that way.

I love challenges, building new things, the sea, my motorcycle, camping and my family. From crazy to traditional, there are many versions of me, but it's always me.

I will spar with you so that we can win together.

"that's me - always authentic"


I am full of drive and passionate about good ideas and their implementation. I always take feedback into account and try to analyse what can be improved or how I can help better.

I support my feedback with experience, so that you can understand why I might sometimes say that it doesn't work that way.

I love challenges, building new things, the sea, my motorcycle, camping and my family. From crazy to traditional, there are many versions of me, but it's always me.

I will spar with you so that we can win together.